
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Why we need more MPs like George Galloway in Parliament

Discussing with Lembit Opik on why today's UK political elite is so bland, and why we need more MPs like George Galloway in Parliament,on the Stephen Nolan Show on BBC Radio5 Live, here. (item starts at 51 mins).
You can also hear me discussing whether we need more 'celebrities' like Jeremy Clarkson in Parliament on BBC Radio Tees here. (starts at 5 mins)


brian said...


Georgeous Galeney said...

Thanks Neil, I think you are great.

If we lived in a real democracy, all our enemies would be locked up. The end of the Soviet Union was the worst day of my life, and saw the end of effective psychiatry. (Dirty laugh)

Zsu Zsu Gabor (aka, Peggy Mount) said...

Darlings, that’s right. In the days of János Kádár, the people of Esztergom had some of my parent’s neighbours locked up for being rude about him.

Georgeous, you’ve been married almost as many times as I have.

Anonymous said...

John Le Mesurier

I’m just about to do a play for the BBC by Dennis Potter about this chap who broods about Oliver Kamm all of the time. And thinks he is also someone called ‘Philip Cross’.

Captain Mainwaring

Wilson, you do say some of the most outrageous things. Who is Kin Philby?