
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The tobaccophobes latest campaign

Didn't think the anti-smoking fanatics could get any more fanatical? Think again.


Anonymous said...


Nick said...

O come on, where's your sense of humour?

Anonymous said...

The pro-smoking stuff is very boring. Smoking is a disgusting habit, and people who smoke around non-smokers -- and who would still be smoking in restaurants, given the chance -- are equally disgusting. Stamp it out.

Neil Clark said...

The post is not 'pro-smoking', but anti-tobaccophobes. No one is forcing people to smoke, it's the antis who are the intolerant ones. There's lots of habits I don't like, eg people wearing baseball caps all the time (including indoors), but I wouldn't support a law which said that people who wore baseball caps indoors should be fined.

olching said...

Surely the sign is a joke, no? Do you know where it was displayed, Neil?

Anonymous said...

A while ago Oliver Kamm wrote on his blog that he strongly dislikes cigarette smoke.

Now if there is ONE thing in the entire universe that would make ALL of us start smoking...

Neil Clark said...

Canada, I think.

Anonymous said...

The sign could be ironic? No? Given the 'mythical' status of cockcroaches' virtual indestructibility?

Henrik R Clausen said...

It's a joke. Be happy :)

Anonymous said...

How stupid do you have to be before working out that yes, people did used to force us non-smokers to smoke along with them? It's called secondary smoking. Why should I have to send my clothes to the dry cleaner after an evening down the pub? I don't drink in your liver, so don't waft your foul smoke into my lungs.

Gibepregiba said...

Hmm, and what about fact that cockroaches cause cancer in humans. It is proven.

So it is better that they die, than me, or if I have to choose, it is better to die from tobacco, than from that nasty bugs. :))))))

Rob said...

Surely if the sign was written by tobaccophobes it wouldn't encourage people to have cigarette ends in the first place?

Come one, Neil, switch your sense of humour back on. It's a succesor to "Do not throw butts in the urinal: it makes them soggy and hard to light."