"It may seem incredible to say this, given past experience, but a few years from now Europe and the world could be looking back at the Bush administration with nostalgia.",argues Anatol Lieven in the F.T.
Do you find that far-fetched?
I'm afraid it isn't.
What utter rubbish. McCain's less of a War Hawk than even Obama (who refused to rule out military action against Iran.)
Standing up to Russia and China means not bending over when that crook Putain (sorry, Putin) makes further whacko demands and veiled threats and China could do with an (economic) slap round the chops for sending us such rubbish goods.
McCain? Not too bad. Check out his record. He's walking on the tightrope between Liberal and Republican. Don't buy into the ultra-liberal propoganda. McCain's the finest Republican candidate for decades.
Hi Roland,
I know you like McCain for his opposition to torture, but
did you ever see this:
And ask yourself this question. Why if he's less of a War Hawk than Obama, are our dear friends the neocons cheering on McCain and trying to rubbish Obama?
All best,
I'm not convinced of this. I want Obama to win, of course. But old PoWs make unlikely warmongers. They leave that to draft dodgers like Bill Clinton and George Bush.
Obama is doing a perfectly fine job of rubbishing himself without any help from me.
Have you been following coverage of the fundraiser Obama did in San Francisco recently? One blogger, Ace of Spades, summarized Obama's comments on Pennsylvanians with a post titled "Vote for me, you corncob-smokin', banjo-strokin', chicken-chokin', cousin-pokin', inbred hillbilly racist morons!"
When an oozing-with-self-entitlement Hillary Clinton can say that Obama's remarks were elitist, you know he's made a major tactical error. Hillary is leading by 20 points in Pennsylvania in the latest poll.
Some people have said that the remarks are the equivalent of Howard Dean's "I have a scream" speech after the Iowa caucuses in 2004, or John Kerry's unintentionally hilarious straight-faced line, "I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
As in everything about this particular election, the standard disclaimer, "Of course, I could be wrong," applies.
"Some people have said that the remarks are the equivalent of Howard Dean's "I have a scream" speech after the Iowa caucuses in 2004, or John Kerry's unintentionally hilarious straight-faced line, "I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
which people, Douglas?
Our friends the neocons. They'll do everything they can to smear Obama. He's not perfect, far from it, but as Vivien Leigh says in Ship of Fools, if you can't get what you want, get what you can get. As you know I'd vote for Nader if I were a US citizen, but out of Obama, Clinton and McCain, the least worst is definitely Obama.
best wishes,
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