
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sky Sports- a force for good or ill?

You can hear me discussing whether Sky Sports has been a force for good or ill, on Radio 5 Live's Tony Livesey show here. The debate starts at around 24minutes 55 seconds in to the programme.

1 comment:

Douglas said...

Do UK football players have a collective bargaining agreement with the Premier League? Is there a player's union?

The reason I ask is because we're having a bit of a bother with American football. The collective bargaining agreement has expired, the owners have locked out the players, the owners and the players are suing each other, and there is the possibility of no 2011-12 season.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell sets forth his case in the Wall Street Journal.

I realize this isn't exactly what you follow, but you write passionately about sports, and I believe this story covers issues you like to write about.