How can Bush and his disciple, Tony Blair, smugly conclude they were right, pushing out self-serving memoirs suggesting that history will be kind to them when they are responsible for so much death and destruction?
Because they are protected by their successor governments from the consequences of what they have done. Both the U.S. and Britain are keen on jailing or hanging foreigners for war crimes, yet we consider our own leaders immune from prosecution.
There’s another complication, too: the Tories were Blair’s allies over Iraq. Hence their disinclination to pursue Labour over its so-called dossier on Saddam’s non-existent WMDs....
You can read the whole of Peter McKay’s brilliant piece on the toadying to western war criminals- and why it is so important that Bush and Blair are held to account for their crimes, here.
However it should be remembered that by any objective terms Clinton is far more clearly a war criminal than Bush because the Yugoslav war, knowingly fought to promote henocide against a nation which had engaged in no aggression, was far more clearly criminal than that against Iraq, fought against a dangerous, murderous thug regime.
Many opponents of Bush's war (the LibDims, Robin Cook, Clare Short, Ken Livinstone etc etc) are enthusiastic supporters of genocide - something they tend to gloss over now. If you read Cook's speech he makes it absolutely clear that his opposition to Bush's war was not from any principle but simply because the EU was not for it. The Yugoslav war, of course, had EU support because the EU is dominated by our genocidal Nazi German allies & it was their idea.
Well Neil Craig let me tell you one thing Clinton's war was illegal but Bush is far more evil because in response to a terrorist attack on 9/11 he decided to attack the sovereign nation of Iraq. Almost all of our Arab and Muslim allies never supported the war and worst of all the so-called "coalition of the willing" is now no more. In fact Britain, Australia, and the rest of the so-called "coalition" (who were in effect bribbed and coerced by the United States) have all withdrawn from Iraq.
Neil Craig Bill Clinton for all his faults on Serbia was a much better planner on the war than Bush. Bush allowed both the evil fascists Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld along with their Zionist minnions Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith to exclude Iraqis from the government, begin de-Bathification and most stupid of all to disband the Iraqi Armed forces which helped cause the insurgency. The Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohammad said that both Bush and Blair are far more dangerous, murderous and evil thugs and have killed more Muslims than Saddam Hussein has ever done. He is right. The Iraqi Special Tribunal is a joke. It is an American creation. Both Bush and Blair are evil and they should be put on a Nurenberg Trial along with both Cheney and Rumsfeld. The Iraq War was not only oppossed by our traditional allies such as France and Germany. It was also oppossed by both Russia and China.
OK I'll give you that Clinton was a better planner. He planned the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo & of Krajina which is why it gas been possible to safely rule both areas. Governing a place is so much easier if you have got rid of its population. Bush, on the other hand did not engage in intentional genocide - a smarter guy would just have ethnicly cleansed the entire population from all the oil bearing parts of Iraq & declared them American colonies.
Basically Bush is a traditional imperialist & Clinton is a genocidal monster, with no ethical limits. Also, as you point out Farida, Bush had thje excuse that his country had been attacked (albeit not by Saddam).
I think you demonstrate the double standards of so many on the "left" that I was objecting to in that they will prefer a genocidal obscenity like Clinton to a dangerous fool like Bush.
It's actually much worse (from your perspective) than your post suggests.
Not only has the Obama administration not prosecuted Bush administration members for war crimes, they have covertly adopted many of the strategies and tactics of the Bush administration, and in some cases, even expanded on them.
What's the British phrase for something a politician says strictly for the purpose of exciting his base, but that he has no intention whatsoever of doing? The reason I ask is that I claim that's what candidate Obama's antiwar rhetoric was; something for the rubes, the suckers, the chumps.
When the vice president of America is a Nazi who claims Serbs are racially "degenerate" & wants to put them in "Nazi style concentration camps" & think it unlikely that the racist President who chose him will be remotely interested in bringing war criminals to justice.
Come on Neil Craig you are a stupid and an idiot. George W. Bush is the biggest mass murderer in American and World History. This Evil Texan man along with his thugs Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld should be both arrested and sent to a war crimes tribunal in the Hague. He killed innocent people and made the entire world hate us. We hope that Bush, Blair, Cheney and Rumsfeld would be put on trial. They murdered innocent people in Iraq and they destroyed the country of Iraq. The Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohammad said that Bush and Blair should be on trial for war crimes and mass murder because they deliberatly lied to the entire world about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
What about Dick Cheney the villian who wanted to attack not just Iraq and spread his so-called "democracy" by the point of a gun. I see you like this evil terrorist and villian. He not only wanted to attack Iraq. He also wanted to confront or attack countries like Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and Syria. This man is evil. Everyone who is against him is considered part of the "left". At least this President will never appoint an evil villian like Dick Cheney. Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are very evil and they should both burn in hell along with all of their Zionist advisors.
Thank you mous for the benefit of your intellect. If you had understood my posts you would have sen that I did not deny that Bush & co might be war criminals. The point is that Nazis like Clinton & Biden are undeniably much moreso. An attempt to prosecute Bush but not Clinton would quite obviously be done not because of the criminality but on left/right political lines. That would not be an attempt at justice.
Look Clinton is guilty of war crimes but he only launched a war that lasted for about 78 days. Bush along with his evil friends and minnions launched a war that is still going on even today. This man is evil he killed innocent Iraqis and he made the entire Muslim world hate us because of that. He didn't "liberate" Iraq. No he invaded and occupied and destroyed the country. That is why he is a guilty man along with both Cheney and Rumsfeld.
That is silly on 2 grounds.
Firstly that the length of a war is no measure of its ethics though it is likely to be a measure of the disparity in power between them - in which case, if anything, a short war is more likely to be purely aggressive.
Not being a complete, genocide supporting hypocrit Farida you will be on record as saying how fine Israel's 6 day war was because it only lasted six days & I look forward to you providing links to where you did so.
Secondly the most serious NATO atrocities in Kosovo took place after peace had been declared. The massacres (the 210 civilians murdered outside the UK HQ in Dragodan being merely, probably, the worst), the ethnic cleansing, the genocide, the sexual enslavement of children, the dissection of 1300 living people all carried out by NATO's obscene Islamic Naqzi police took place after NATO had moved in, indeed it couldn't be otherwise. The Islamic Nazi occupation of Kosovo is now 11 years old so even by your curious measure of atrocity that is far worse.
Assuming you are not simply an apologist for Clinton & his Islamic Nazi hirelings you will be able to point to links where you have denounced such obscenities before Farida.
The Muslims are not Nazis as much as supporters of Israel like Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, along with their idiological godfather Lyndon Baines Johnson are aredent Zionist Nazis. Zionism is linked to Nazism and it is purely racist. The Iraq War was purely illegal. The United Nations was given no role in Iraq because of the fact that Donald Rumsfeld and the evil Zionist Nazis in the Pentagon had decided that they were not to be trusted. How and why would Tony Blair and John Howard would fall for these evil Zionist Pro-Israel minnions is puzling for all of us. But when we met Dr. Mahathir bin Mohammad of Malaysia. He is greatest leader of Malaysia yet. He retired gracefully in 2003 after fist serving in 1981 and he is an advocate for ending and criminalizing War. His Perdana Peace Conference not only called for aresting Bush, Blair and Howard. He even called for outlawing and monitoring are Zionist groups that are linked to Likud and to Israel's far-right. We hope that both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld along with all of the Zionist Neocons are found guilty in an American courtroom and are sentenced to death.
Firstly I note you not only can produce no evidence whatsoever of having previously opposed the genocide of Christian Serbs but that you make no slightest attempt to do so now.
I did not say that Moslems as a whole are Nazis & I ask you to prove that I did or apolgise Farida
You have nade it absolutely clear however Farida that you are such a Nazi. The fact that you think such obscene views acceptable on the "left" sgows how far the "left" have fallen.
We are not Nazis. What do you mean we are Nazis when we know that Israel led by Benjamin Nut-an-yahoo is full of lunatics. They want to attack and support any country that they see as a threat. They are cowards and evil. The Neocons are true Nazis. They and the American government wants to put the American people in detention camps. This has been documented by Alex Jones. The FEMA is building internment camps as we speak. The real Nazis are the Israel-firsters in the American government.
You have gone completely off topic. You have now repeatedly refused to say a single word against Clinton's Islamic Nazi's participation in racial genocide & worse. Unless you have some evidence that, for example in the recent war in Gaza, Israel hhave ethnically cleansed 350,000 from Gaza & worse there is no slightest possibility of you being more critical of Israel than of Clinton & his genocidal employees unless you are an out & out Nazi.
Again I point out the obvious failure of almost everybody on what now calls itself "left" to have a word of criticism for such Nazi murderers.
Well Israel is an evil state led by Lunatics. It Was said so by the great professor Norman Finkelstein. You should watch this video right here on Russia Today which far more accurate than Fox News which is a propaganda arm for the right wing neocons. Here is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB_CKL5h2_8. It shows us that Israel is an evil state that is controlled by lunatics and they use the holcaust and call everyone Nazis. We assume that since you are a supporter of Israel you are a lunatic.
Oh well if it was said so ....
The World knows that Israel is a state led by lunatics and it is part of the problem. Seymour Hersh said that when the entire world turns on Israel and they are seen as the villians and the enemies they will bring the entire world down with them. He wrote about the Samson Option which was a book that he described as showing how lunatic the Israelis are how they finance every bad group aroud the world. Just read his books and watch Russia Today. Also don't forget Mahathir bin Mohammad and his blog Chedet. Let's criminalize war and end this stupid "War on Terror".
Farida says Jews "finance every bad group aroud the world". I assume this includes the Elders of Zion. Once again I point out how disgusting it is that people calling themselves "socialist" regularly align themselves with such obscene Nazis.
Farida perhaps you couuld tell us whether you think al Quaeda to be "bad" & thus Israeli financed or good & thus financed by arab oil money?
I regret that this has gone so far off topic but Farida gas repeatedly refused to object in any way to western war criminals who kill Christians.
Once again I point out how disgusting it is that people calling themselves "socialist" regularly align themselves with such obscene Nazis. Farida perhaps you couuld tell us whether you think al Quaeda to be "bad" & thus Israeli financed or good & thus financed by arab oil money? I regret that this has gone so far off topic but Farida gas repeatedly refused to object in any way to western war criminals who kill Christians.
Christians being killed by Westerners. They are being killed by the evil terrorist Zionist Israelis. The Israelis are the root cause of all of the evil on this planet. They are an illegitimate state occuping Arab land. There used to be coexistence in Palestine between the Arabs and Jews, and Muslims and Christians. That is until the evil Zionists came and demanded a Jewish homeland for Palestine. Since then Israel has continued to attack every country. Al Queada was armed by once the U.S. to fight the Russians and now they are used to kill innocents. It is growing stronger because the U.S. needs to stop ocuping Muslim countries and impossing "Democracy" everywhere. Mahathir Mohammad said that 9-11 was stagged by the American government and the current "War on Terror" is a genocidal war against Islam.
"Israelis are the root cause of all of the evil on this planet"
Protocols of the Elders of Zion time again. Even Hitler was sane enough to sometimes pretend to civilisation.
Your contention that the Kosovo war was fought between Israel & NATO obviously represents the highest standard of honesty of which you are capable.
You are an insane Nazi Farida. I am almost surprised we have not had an official Hamas representative on here to dissociate them from you.
Soprry - fought between Israel & Yugoslavia ;-)
Oh you supporters of that genocidal anti-Muslim anti-Christian and even anti-Arab state don't surprise us at all. We all know that the supporters of Israel are behind the problems. Get ready for the next Wikileaks. This will be huge and massive. The Wikileaks site will show that the United States and the pro-Israeli hardliners were planning to arm the Kurds and make them into an independent nation. The PKK is a terrorist organization. All governments of the world have called them terrorists but the U.S. government along with both Cheney and Rumsfeld wanted to arm them and give them a "state" of their own. That would be quite similar to Kosovo. Both Kosovo and Kurdistan would be rulled by terrorists and they will be independent "democracies". If Wikileaks relaeses them soon which we believe will happen before Christmas they it will ruil the American, Israelis, Zionists, and even the Netanyaho government.
How silly. The fact that the western powers did not let Kurdistan become independent, despite their undendiable genocidal oppression by Iraq, while demanding it for everybody in Yugoslavia, despite the equally undeniable lack of oppression is part of the proof that at no time were the western powers motivated by any humanistic concerns.
Your assumption that wiki are going to release proof that in effect the Protocols were true all along are the ravings of an insane Nazi.
But an insane Nazi whom many claiming to be on the "left" support.
Only the fascist racsist terrorist scumbag Israelis and their evil Prime Minister Benjamin Nut-an-yahoo and evil Foreign Minister Avigdor LIE-berman would claim that the poor innocent Kurds are being oppressed and are under genocide by Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey even though they didn't suffer genocide and are still important minorities in their respective countries. The Israeli Zionists want to see independence for the Kurds, Chechens in Russia and Tibetans and Uyghurs in China because it is part of their plan to weaken and demoralize many countries. Once these countries are divided into many they will be too weak to resist American-Israeli domination.
Only the fascist racsist terrorist Israelis and their evil Prime Minister Benjamin Nut-an-yahoo and evil Foreign Minister Avigdor LIE-berman would claim that the poor innocent Kurds are being oppressed and are under genocide by Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey even though they didn't suffer genocide and are still important minorities in their respective countries. The Israeli Zionists want to see independence for the Kurds, Chechens in Russia and Tibetans and Uyghurs in China because it is part of their plan to weaken and demoralize many countries. Once these countries are divided into many they will be too weak to resist American-Israeli domination.
So it isn't just that genocide doesn't count when it happens to Cgristians. It also doesn't count when it happens to Moslems who aren't part of the power structure.
I presume you also feel that the arabs who were murdered in the Hama massacre (far larger than anything Israel is even accused of & far less reported) deserved it too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hama_massacre
With every sentence Farida you show what unclean Nazis you & those you support are
Israelis are the real Nazis. They are a lunatic state. There should be a German-Japanese style occupation of that militaristic Jewish state and the trial of all of their leaders by a war crimes trial. They are guilty. The Hama Massacre was unfortunate but the revolt was staged by the Muslim Brotherhood which wanted to overthrow the government of Syria and replace it with a fundamentalist regieme. The Israelis are the real Nazis because they attack any Arab and they even have Nuclear weapons to vaporize Mecca and Medina. This Jewish Zionist State must be stopped Now!!!
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