Sometimes, the contest for Wally of the Week is a close one, but this week the winner was never in doubt.
"Free trade is our only way forward" says Mandy, like the true totalitarian he is. Mandy's already given us Nu Labour, now he wants the rest of Europe to follow suit and sacrifice their industries and agriculture on the altar of neoliberalism. Nobody voted for Mandelson to be EU Trade Commissioner, but since when have the views of ordinary people counted where the globalist elite are concerned?
How appropriate that one of the most prominent proponents of "free" trade should be a man we can't sack? I mean, free trade's all about shifting production to where the labour's cheap - if he means it, he should step aside. There are plenty of people in the developing world who could do his job, after all...
Hi Charlie,
Great point. The globalist elite make sure the free market/free trade principles espouse never apply to them. The insecurity is always ours, not theirs. When they leave their jobs, they get other, even better paid ones. Just think Tony Blair. John Pilger once described the present globalised system as 'socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor'- and he was dead right.
Perhaps you should be grateful to Mr. Mandleson Neil. It was in large part due to him that the Lisbon Treaty was rejected here in Ireland. Our farming community, even though advised by their union to vote in favour of the referendum seem to have chosen not to have heeded this advice, thanks to Mandleson. And as for our fishermen well lets just say that they're not overly fond of him either. Sometimes being a wally can be a positive thing. Do you reckon this is all a Baldrick -like cunning plan by Mandleson????
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