
Friday, May 09, 2014

Vote the Right Way.... or else

My new column for OpEdge on the anti-democratic democrats of the west.

It's a parody of democracy. It will damage the political process and hinder the prospects for peace. This is how Western leaders – their regional allies and also UN bigwigs – have dismissed the presidential elections in Syria set for June 3.

It seems that despite having a choice of several candidates, the Syrian people having an election to decide for themselves who should be their country's president is a very bad thing. In the name of 'democracy', elections in Syria should only happen after the current government has been forcibly removed from power. 'Assad must go', even if it could well be the case that the majority of Syrians don't want him to go.

The Western elite's dismissive response to these elections tells us everything we need to know about their commitment to “democracy”.

You can read the whole of the piece here.


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