
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

We stopped him!

The BBC reports:
Nicolas Sarkozy has withdrawn his backing of Tony Blair to become the first president of the European Union, senior sources have told the BBC.
The French president is understood to have changed his mind after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
It is thought he feels EU opposition to the former UK prime minister is too strong because he backed the Iraq war.

The neocons didn't like the 'Stop Blair' campaign, but it seems that for once, people power has won the day. Well done to everyone who has signed the 'Stop Blair' petition at the EU Tribune website. But welcome as today's news is, the job is only half done: the next task is to get Bliar before a war crimes tribunal.

PS It's a pretty bad day for the neo-cons all round!


David Lindsay said...

Of course, he needs Gaullist (proper conservative) votes to win a second term.

The neocons are falling apart.

Anonymous said...

Well said Neil!

Sarko is a little 'yes man'. First Bush and now Angela are telling him what to do. He's not touched the domestic issues because he doesn't know where to start from. Much easier to turn to foreign policy! This, of course, is the kiss of death. He has, as good as, admitted that it is beyond him to tackle this enormous problem.

As for Bliar, let's hope justice catches up with him in the near future.

Karl Naylor said...

Just thought I'd draw attention to a Boris Grgic article on CiF where this think tank apparatchnik accuses the entire nation of Serbia for being irrational in not surrendering control of its sovereighty to the international corporations. I've written a response to it . Now this is the kind of shit that annoys me by its facile economic determinism and Blairite style 'let's forget the past , it's time to move on' despitse Grgic's co-operation with a mafia dominated Kosovan state rumn by KLA stooges hardly any different from 'irrational' Serbs.